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Vergangene Veranstaltungen 2013
PolyThea Sommerakademie
- – 25. August 2013
im Familienferiendorf Hübingen/Westerwald, Nähe Limburg an der Lahn
Frau Holle Fest 2013
4.-6-Januar 2013 im Hof Oberlethe bei Oldenburg
PolyThea – Sommerakademie 2013
Vielfalt der Göttinnen – Vielfalt des Lebens
die archetypische Kraft der Göttin erleben
Poly Thea Kongress 17-19 august 2013
Carolina Visser
Goddesses and Gods live, because we, human beings, keep them alive!
We do that by praying, giving thanks (in celebrations with dancing and singing) or other spiritual practice or rituals.
In the myths and tales of Nordic-Germanic Gods and Goddesses, we find a long tradition of wisdom, equality between man and woman, democracy and humor!
I have noticed many Europeans find the language used in old writings as the Edda, not really inviting.. ice, fire, wars… Some find an easier entrance to Greek or exotic Gods and Goddesses from far away. Another reason for keeping the door closed to our heritage lies in the abuse of symbols, runes and Gods solely for own purposes and ideology . For a long time in history the male and warrior-aspects of our Gods were idealized and Goddesses went almost completely off-screen.
The only name all of us remember is Freya, Goddess of Love. Of course she is more than that, she is a Great Goddess and unites all aspects of life (birth, love, death) but this is how she is remembered mostly. And – as it is us, humans, who keep the Goddesses and Gods alive- I experience this as a beacon of light, that it is love that lives on in our consciousness.
In this Ceremony we will open the door to the Nordic Germanic Goddesses and some of their older Gods through what is called ‘the Knowing Field’.
Goddesses like Freya, Holle, Iduna, Skadi, Nerthus and Frigg will be shortly introduced in stories, as will be the Gods like Frey, Niord and Thor.
After that introduction, we will ‘plug in’ to the wisdom of the collective field and visit the Goddesses and Gods in a way everybody can experience their strength, their inspiring qualities, their love and their willingness to guide us. Also we will experience the archaic, archetypical powers that they are rooted in, elements of nature and cosmos.
We will use shamanic and systemic techniques ( constellations) to put up the Goddesses and Gods in a Field so we can go in for a walk.
This way we gather Information from the Goddess-Field to integrate it in our own lives and so in modern time(empirical science).
The ceremony will be supported by shamanic drumming and singing. This helps us to get into an altered state of mind, to let go of everyday thoughts, to step out of linear time and enter the field of our ancestors Goddesses and Gods.
Mitbringen: decke oder Kissen zum sitzen (bei schönes Wetter draußen)
evt. Trommel oder Rassel
Workshop „die Runen der Göttin schneiden“
Carolina Visser
In dieser Workshop lernen wir die Runen kennen, die zu den Nordisch-Germanische Göttinnen gehören die wir in der Zeremonie kennen gelernt haben.
Zur jeder Göttin gehören spezifische Runen, die ihre Qualitäten und Kraft wiederspiegeln.
Dazu werde ich einiges erzählen.
Wir werden dann die Runen tönen und ihre Kraft spüren.
Das größte Teil dieser Workshop besteht daraus das jeder eine Rune schnitzt womit am meisten eine Verbindung besteht. So entsteht ein ganz einzigartiges Kraftobjekt, wie ein Amulet wo alle Erfahrungen integriert werden und was uns zuhause noch lange weiter unterstützen kann.
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